HALO Select - Halsulfuron (brand alternative - SedgeHammer®)

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  • Halo 5 WDG 15.5 g Generic Sedgehammer - Covers 1,000 sq ft
  • Halo 75 WDG 1.33oz Generic Sedgehammer - Covers 43,500 sq ft

This is a generic version of Sedgehammer. The active ingredient is Halosulfuron-methyl. The formulation is “WDG” which stands for “Water Dispersible Granule” meaning the product is dry, and you mix it in water and spray it on sedges including yellow and purple nutsedge and kyllinga.

Grass Types: all cool and warm season turf grasses.

We have it available in two sizes:

Halo 5WDG: an easy-to-use one-time-use pouch that when mixed in 1 gallon of water covers 1,000 sq ft. This pouch is 13.5 grams. This size can be used for blanket sprays of up to 1,000 sq ft but is primarily recommended for spot sprays.

Halo 75WDG: This is a larger bottle containing 1.33 oz of highly concentrated Halosulfuron-methyl. It comes with a small scoop and one level scoop is added to 1 gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq ft or for spot sprays. The 1.33oz bottle can cover 1 acre approx 43,500 sq ft.

This product is easy on turf but does work a little slow. It can take up to 21 days to see full results but it does work well if you have patience with it.

Halo is recommended to be mixed with a non-ionic surfactant for maximum effectiveness. 1-2oz/1000 of non-ionic surfactant added to each gallon of spray mix is sufficient.

From the Manufacturer: Halo 75 WDG Select™ is a selective, post-emergent herbicide formulated specifically to kill nutsedge and other broadleaf weeds without injury to turfgrasses, established ornamentals, shrubs, or trees. Can be used in both warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses, landscaped areas, and other listed non-crop sites.

Halo 75 WDG Select should be applied post-emergence to turf and landscape ornamental areas where weeds are an issue and actively growing. This product is generally regarded as gentle to labeled turfgrasses, both cool and warm season types, and they should be well established before application occurs. Not for use on edible plants or gardens.

  • Post-emergent control of yellow and purple nutsedge
  • Suppresses annual and green kyllinga
  • Suppresses tough broadleaf weeds such as horsetail and ragweed
  • Low use rates – .66 to 1.33 oz/A
  • Can be tank mixed with non-ionic surfactants for improved penetration


  • Residential and commercial turfgrass
  • Established woody ornamentals in landscape areas
  • Golf course turf
  • Sports turf
  • Public recreation areas
  • School grounds
  • Roadsides
  • Sod farms and non-crop industrial sites

Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status and proper use.  This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state.